Is Google Ads the Best Option for Your Business?
The online digital marketing world is accelerating at an increasingly greater pace, than ever before, in the history of the Internet. This massive Internet expansion requires that the right website Search Engine Optimization strategies are implemented immediately; to ensure top organic ranking on major Search Engines.
To compete against the ‘seemingly insurmountable mountain of the Internet’s information super highway’; Google Ads offers a powerful online presence for your business, to be found, amongst the ‘vast ocean of website listings’, on the Google Search Engine.
Though Google Ads have brought about a great transformation in the online marketing race, it is important to be clear, if we are speaking about Google AdWords or Google AdSense. There is a distinct difference between these two powerful and effective advertising options: on the Google Search Engine.
Google AdWords seems to offer a searchability position advantage for business websites; hrough targeted ads, on the Google Search Engine. Whereas Google AdSense offers a varied digital marketing option of your business ‘on the face of an already highly popular and high ranking industry specific website’.
Let us begin by highlighting the clear distinction between theses two Internet advertising options. Google Adsense allows business websites and blogs, to achieve monetizeable results through focused AdSense campaigns, whereby other business owners are willing to pay top dollar to be featured on top ranking websites. As well, through optimal AdWords advertising campaigns, your business can ‘easily outshine competing businesses’.
Advertising your business with Google Adsense, makes it easier for businesses to advertise their own products and services on top ranked business websites that may be in a similar industry sector. Google Ads for Google AdWords and Google AdSense, both, adhere to the budget constraints of business users, which makes it a highly cost-efficient and result-oriented online marketing option.
Key Terms Of Google Ads
Google Ads focuses on relevant key terms for all business types that end users fully utilize. Thus, it is certainly the prominent digital marketing tool that business utilize to benefit from high conversion rates. Additionally, it allows the creation of a healthy PPC (Pay-per-click) campaign, which targets the global audience, while spending money, based on a budget. Generally, there are five distinct campaign plans through which Google Ads offers a streamlined approach for Internet users. These include the following options:
- Search Network Campaign
- Shopping Campaign
- App Campaign
- Display Network Campaign
- Video Campaign
These goal-oriented campaigns specifically focus on three primary business goals:
Referring potential customers towards a business website, or APP
Getting more online customers to buy products from a business website
Ensuring that more people visit social media pages related to the business brand that a website represents
Ideally, progressive businesses prefer to utilize a combination of all these brand development goals. To ensure that your business has a successful and highly effective online presence, you need to entrust your digital marketing campaign to prominent branding firms, such as: To achieve monetizeable results you need to employ the services of a capable and professional digital marketing firm.
Benefits of Google Ads for your Business
Google Adwords are globally recognized by Internet users, because of their transparent registration and AdWords campaign creation process, which is conveniently available to all businesses. Google AdWords offer businesses the ability to derive straightforward results, from paid advertising campaigns.
Paid advertisers are able to easily monitor the success of any given AdWords or AdSense campaign. They can monitor progress, continually test results and draw conclusions, based on Analytics reports.
Evidently, Google is a digital marketing leader that requires no introduction and encounters a massive amount of daily visitors. It is a smart choice to make the best use of key marketing tools for effective business promotion, which are readily available on this juggernaut Search Engine.
You can also utilize great options for generating organic traffic to your businesses website. In addition to hosting a phenomenally high amount of daily and hourly users, the Google Search Engine has powerful Analytics reporting tools that learn search habits of users and purchase patterns of customers to websites. The Google Search Engine also effectively monitors the interests of Internet users, based on news articles searched and blogs reviewed through the Google Search Engine.
Unlike other forms of paid online advertising, this flexible marketing platform is suitable for all types and sizes of businesses and oganizations.
Business that opt to pay for Google AdWords campaigns can set up either paid ads for a set number of impressions or Pay Per Click campaigns. Payment per impression means that businesses pay each time or each number of times that there Ad is seen.
Pay Per Click campaigns require payment only each time an Ad is clicked, not only seen. Versus a Google AdWords campaign based on impressions, in which their will be a fee for a set number impressions; when the Ad is seen, as result of search queries for certain terms or keywords.
There is an ongoing debate among digital marketing experts as to whether or not Google AdWords or AdSense campaigns can yield higher returns, than the initial cost of investment in the actual campaigns.
Definitely Ad campaigns that are properly optimized and set up using a focused strategy, will yield a prominent result; in terms of visitors to your website and likely many new lead prospects. A business owner, however, needs to be patient, when running paid advertising campaigns that utilize either Google AdWords or Google AdSense. Both of these types of campaigns, which are offered by Google, involve a substantial initial setup and approval processes, by the Google Ads team
Therefore, for top ranking results for your business, you should hire, to ensure a prominent position on the Internet and the various major Search Engines that power it.